
5 min read

Deviation Actions

wingsofwrath's avatar

A few scant hours after this was posted up, kazi2000 removed his "deviation" and sent me a very apologetic note.
He also asked, however, that I remove this "insulting page" (his very words) and that I refrain from doubting his patriotism.
Here is the actual note he sent, for those of you who can read Romanian:

from ~kazi2000
to ~wingsofwrath
Vreau sa incep prin a iti cere scuze pentru copierea (in mare parte) a lucrarii tale, privind steagul Asociatiei Traditia Militara.
Chiar acum voi sterge aceasta lucrare, fara nici o ezitare !
Te-as ruga mult sa stergi si tu foaia prin care ma insulti. Patriotismul meu si buna credinta nu pot fi puse la indoiala.

Inca o data, mii de scuze, eram la inceput pe dA ce-i drept, dar asta nu justfica plagiatul.

Cu respect pentru toata munca ta !"

To that I answer the following-

"Iti multumesc pentru promtitudiea de care ai dat dovada in a sterge "lucrarea" cu pricina, dar cu regret trebue sa te anunt ca nu voi da jos jurnalul meu, doar il voi edita, informandu-i pe toti ca acest incident a luat sfarsit si ca ai facut treaba "onorabila".

Ia-o ca o invatatura de minte, pentru ca am observat de asemena faptul ca majoritatea lucrarilor tale par sa fie poze luate de pe google cu modificari minimale, deci proprietarii lor de drept ar putea veni, mai devreme sau mai tarziu, cu jalba in protap...

De altfel, chiar daca as vrea sa ascund fapta, acum imi este imposibil, pentru ca, odata cu plangerea mea originala, am postat pe toate grupurile din care facea parte "deviatia" deci cam toti oamenii aceia stiu acum exact ce ai facut.

Cat despre patriotism, nu-ti contest buna credita, dar din pacate iubirea de tara si furtul sunt, dupa parerea mea, doua lucruri incompatibile...

Sper sa nu se mai repete."


"While I  thank you for the promptness with which you deleted your "work", I must regretfully inform you that I won't be taking down my journal, merely editing it to inform everybody that this incident has now ended and that you did the honourable thing.

Take it as a lesson, because I also noticed that most of your work amounts to barely modified pictures taken from google, so their rightful owners might, sooner or later, come to complain...

In any case, even if I wanted to hide your deed it is now impossible for me to do that, because at the same time I posted my original complaint I also posted in every group to which you ever submitted your "deviation", so all those people know exactly what you did.

As for your patriotism, while I don't doubt your sincerity, I have trouble associating love for one's homeland and plain theft...

Hope this doesn't happen again"

So I thank you all for the support you've shown me, but let's just call this incident closed and move on.  His apology sounds sincere enough and as far as I'm concerned, he took the offending piece down and that's good enough for me.

Again, thank you, my friends!

Here is the original entry I posted soon after finding out my drawing has been stolen:

It has just come to my attention, through a most fortunate accident, that one of my drawings has been copied by a scummy low-life by the name of kazi2000 :iconkazi2000:.

His "deviation"…
is in fact  a plagiarised version of the flag belonging to my reenactment group, "Asociatia Traditia Militara" (… or this  link for  the page in Romanian, which has a lot more info: ) which can be seen here in my gallery and which we proudly carried underneath the Triumphal Arch of Bucharest for the annual National Day Parade for three years in a row (2009,2010,2011):

The pilfered flag is a bit different from the variant in my gallery and it is actually the 2009 version, most likely coming from our forum:…

He also stole a further two pictures from our forum, without even mentioning the source - and actually come from here:…

I find it mind-boggling that someone claiming to be a patriot as this joker, kazi2000', so proudly proclaims would stoop as low as to steal somebody else's work and claim it as his own.

As such, I have taken the liberty of informing DA (who, if my memory serves, take copyright infringement quite seriously) as well as everybody who ever commented on his "deviation", the groups to which he submitted it, etc. and I hope his credibility will be well and truly ruined, for all eternity, because that's exactly what pitiful jokers like him deserve.
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